If you hypnotize someone
into believing that they are a chicken in a barnyard, what happens? We’ve all
seen enough stage hypnosis shows to know that what happens is the
hypnotist will get the person to start clucking like a chicken.
Well, here’s the thing…
your beliefs about yourself, about life, about the world… have hypnotized you.
Whatever or whoever you believe you are is who you will be. Your behaviours and
actions, or lack of behaviours and actions, only ever come from your
beliefs. Unless you make a conscious effort (and it is a very big effort of willpower that you will need), you will
never take an action that falls outside of what you believe to be possible.
If you believe you are a
chicken, you will cluck like a chicken. If you believe you are a loser, you
will act like a loser and get a loser's results - reinforcing that belief. If you believe women or poor people can’t do X, Y or Z
and you identify with being a “woman” or a “poor person” then you won’t be able
to do X, Y or Z… but you are only hypnotized.
Maybe it’s your family who
unwittingly or intentionally hypnotized you. Perhaps your culture or your teachers
repeated the same things to you over and over until you believed them as well.
In some cases, it was just one very emotional and negatively interpreted experience that made you take on a particular belief.
All of this
is only hypnosis and a hypnotic trance can be broken. Waking up from the trance means opening doors to other
possibilities, opening doors to a new life and a new you.
Hypnosis happens in a
number of ways but the two most common are repetition (all forms of advertising use this tactic) and emotional impact.
If you hear the same string of words or
see the same happenings over and over again, it sinks into your
subconscious. Your mind, being a meaning-making-machine, attempts to make sense of it and that "sense", which is quite often nonsense, becomes something that you believe. X begins to = Y.
Repetition as hypnosis
High levels of emotion induce trance
"The Truth"
What we believe is NOT “the
truth”. This is very hard for us to grasp and understand because what we
believe FEELS true to us. “The truth” is that what is true for you may be
completely false for someone else in the exact same situation as you.
An example: Imagine you have to
give up your home and most of your possessions. You own only a backpack worth of "stuff" and must go live with friends. To some, this would be their worst
nightmare ever and yet there is another interpretation. I know of a person who
has this happening to her yet she is feeling great. She feels free and unfettered.
This is one of the best times of her life. She is not interpreting this situation
to mean she has no worth, she is not interpreting it to mean that she is going
to starve in the future, she is not interpreting that she’s a burden to her
friends… she is enjoying her time feeling free, happy and light.
Here’s another thing that
it’s hard for us to hear and believe: it’s NOT the situation, it is the
interpretation of the situation, it’s the judgment we put on the situation. Our
beliefs and judgments can be changed so that we can view “bad” situations
differently, find peace with them and enjoy life more fully… no matter the situation.
So, coming back to beliefs
and hypnotism: If we can become aware of our beliefs, we have a better chance
of de-hypnotizing ourselves. We can also ask for help in finding our beliefs
and reinterpreting our situations. There are many techniques that allow us to explore
and release these beliefs and the pain they cause us: my favourites are EFT, The
Work of Byron Katie and PSTec, among many other options.
Don’t allow life and other
people to keep you stuck in your hypnotized state. It may have taken many years
of childhood or one very emotional experience to hypnotize you but the state can be broken in an instant.
When you notice that you don’t
like how you feel, ask yourself “What am I believing about this person/this
situation, that makes me feel sad/angry/ashamed/afraid”? Pick up a healing tool or
technique – maybe all you need to do is take some deep breaths – and de-hypnotize
yourself or ask for help to do it. Know that it can be done.